Wednesday, July 4, 2007


A joke that don't translate well into Polish:

Q: What is the theory of rapativity?

A: E=MC Hammer


A joke about Poland:

There's an Italian, a German and Pole. The devil approaches them and says, 'I am going to take the lives of you all, save the man that amazes me the most.' So he locks them up in individual cells and gives them two balls, once more saying "the life of the man that amazes me the most will be spared". He comes back to the Italian's cell and sees that the man has developed some sort of impossibly intricate juggling act, and emerges thoroughly impressed. The devil moves onto the German. Here he sees that the German has arranged the balls in a very organised and orderly fashion, in a way he could never have imagined. So, once more he is pleased, and moves on to the Pole.

Here he finds the Pole slumped on his chair, looking sheepish. He's broken one ball and lost the other.

The Pole was spared.


Poland as a joke:

Everyone is encouraged to recycle here now (it's really a new concept), and there are even dumpsters that so thoroughly segregate rubbish, that I'm sure they're close to splitting the atom. So, you've got one for glass, one for plastic, etc etc. After all this, one big clinky-clanky truck comes and throws them all into the back together.

There is a labirynthine building at Warsaw University. Apparently, you go down all these corridors and emerge in a musty hall where the only way you can get out is to go upstairs. Except the stairs, inexplicably, stop three feet off the ground. So, because obviously this is a OHS issue, somebody has placed a chair there. Bless.


(I just moved into my new apartment. Yay!)


nixwilliams said...

bless! the recycling story pretty much encapsulates a state-enforced ideal of personal responsibility doesn't it?

Daniel said...

The only Polish joke I know:

Q. What does it say on the bottom of a Polish Coke bottle?

A. Open other end.

This came from a big book called something like 'The Big Book of Ethnic Jokes' that my uncle had when I was little. There was a chapter for each nationality. Well, not ALL of them. Only the funny ones.

Jess said...

Mouse squish!

Hey, you should get a Facebook account so we can do this all the time.